I Love My Breast Implants, But I Wish I Went Bigger
Breast augmentation forums are filled with comments like this: “I love my breast implants, but I wish I went bigger” and “Worth it but kinda wish I went bigger.”
After doing thousands of cosmetic breast surgery consultations, I’ve identified four reasons that women might hold back from choosing the breast size they really want. If you can avoid these traps, you’ll likely be very satisfied with your choice after surgery.
Holding back because you’re worried that “people will know.”
Some women don’t want others to know they had a breast augmentation, so they choose smaller implants: “I don’t want to look fake.” “I don’t want people to notice.” “I don’t want people to judge me,” they say. They need not worry.
Most women look natural and proportional after their breast augmentation surgery, so the can keep it a secret if they are so inclined. Patients tell me that friends and family members notice that something’s different, but even the most observant ones can’t figure out exactly what’s changed. They ask: “Are you just back from vacation?” “New haircut?” “New outfit?” “Are you working out now?”
Making a decision based on Internet forums and comments from friends.
You might love how the women with 375 cc breast implants looks in her online photos, but are you comparing apples to apples? She might have started with breasts that were bigger or smaller than yours. If you’re starting with a full B cup and that woman started with a mid-A, you won’t be the same size when you both get 375 cc implants. You’ll be about 1-1/2 cup sizes bigger – the extra cup you started with.
Likewise, friends who have breast implants might offer advice: “One of my girlfriends who had a breast augmentation said the implants I picked are too large for me. She has me second-guessing myself,” a patient told me.
Choosing your size by looking at post-op photos taken 3 months after surgery or earlier, instead of looking at fully settled breasts.
When post-op photos aren’t labeled, you don’t know how far along a woman is in the healing process. If you are looking atphotos taken 3 months or less after surgery, consider this: The breast implants haven’t settled yet into their final position. They’re pressed up high, like your breasts would be in a push-up bra. They are not fully settled until 9 months post-op, and at that point they often look smaller than they do at 3 months. You’ll likely be disappointed if you choose your implant size from pictures that were taken too soon after surgery.
In general, your breasts look smaller when you’re dressed than when you’re naked. That’s why my before & after photo books include pictures of women 9 months after surgery unclothed and in a bra, tank top or blouse.
Making a decision based on cup size.
When women come in for their breast augmentation consultation, many tell me that they want to be a “full C cup.” They want to look proportional, and they think this means they’ll wear a C cup bra after surgery. But there’s no standard cup sizing system, and what looks proportional varies from person to person – depending on their height, weight and frame size. Instead of a C cup size, think of it as a C look. Click here to read “Can you make me a full C cup?”
When you come in to the office for your free consultation, I’ll measure you and we’ll discuss your goals. Then, we’ll look at before-and-after photos of women who started out similar to you in height, weight, frame size and breast volume. Every photo notes the size of the implants that were used. It’s like you’re looking through a magic mirror into the future. You get to vote on the breasts you see and tell me: “too big,” “too small” or “just right.”
After you’ve chosen the size that seems right to you, trust yourself. Go with your gut or your heart – not your head. Remember that you’re the expert for yourself.