I.D.E.A.L.® Breast Lift With Implants Photos
If you want your breasts to be larger than they currently are when your bra lifts them, you might be candidate for an augmentation mastopexy (breast implants and breast lift surgery). Philadelphia plastic surgeon Dr. Ted Eisenberg is the creator of the I.D.E.A.L. Breast Lift, a groundbreaking surgery that maximizes your augmentation mastopexy results. With his staple-first approach, Dr. Eisenberg tailor tacks the breast tissues together in order to previsualize the final results – prior to making an incision and removing the excess stretched skin.
Below is a small sampling of the before and after photographs of actual patients that you will see when you come into our Philadelphia office for your free consultation. To read more about a breast lift with implants, click here.

Starting Size: 34A 5’6” 139 lbs

Starting Size: 33A 5’1” 141 lbs
“After I had my second baby, my breasts drooped and pretty much disappeared. I wanted to get the volume back and restore some of the perkiness I had before I had children.”
“Now I can wear anything I want, and I feel comfortable, sexy and confident again. Surgery gave me a new and improved version of the old me.” – Tiffany S.