Our Philosophy

Our goal is to provide you with extraordinary customer service. We speak to every woman with respect and care, as if she were a sister or dear friend. We treat our breast surgery patients as we would like to be treated. We want to make you feel comfortable.

Because we focus exclusively on cosmetic breast surgery, we are experienced and knowledgeable about every aspect of breast augmentation, breast lift, breast lift with breast implantscorrection of breast asymmetry and breast reduction surgery  – from preoperative care to surgery to recovery. There is no limit to the time we will spend with you to make sure that you have all your questions answered – accurately and honestly. There’s no question that’s too embarrassing to ask; we have heard and answered all of them! If we don’t know the answer, we’ll ask breast surgery specialist Dr. Ted Eisenberg.

If it’s difficult for you to call us during your workday to schedule a consultation, you can complete our online virtual consultation form. Dr. Eisenberg will review your information and call you promptly to answer your preliminary questions.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey are culturally diverse regions, and for many of our patients, English is not their native language. That’s why our website includes welcome pages in 12 languages and information for out-of-town patients.

To read Dr. Eisenberg’s Breast Implant Blog, click here.

“I can’t imagine any other cosmetic office having such a “Dream Team.” I really admire how you go above and beyond for your patients. I also admire your work ethic, professionalism and warmth. Such a great combo! Thanks for everything.” – Katie M.


Our Cosmetic Breast Surgery Staff

We work together as a team and we are committed to making your experience exceed your expectations. Although we all answer the phones, we each have specific areas of responsibility. Chances are, you’ll get to meet all of us when you come in for your free consultation.


Nicci Ricciutti
Patient Coordinator

Nicci will greet you with a smile when you sign in at the front desk. She is often the first person you’ll speak to on the phone when you call to schedule a breast surgery consultation.

“I love my job. When women call for appointments, they tell me how they feel about their breasts. They have similar feelings, but each woman expresses it in a different way. They try to give me a good reason why they want breast surgery. I get it. We all do.”



eileenEileen Ricciutti
Financial and Surgical Coordinator

Eileen will help you make your surgery happen – from the office to the operating room. She’ll schedule your cosmetic surgery procedure, give you preoperative information, inform you about the cosmetic breast surgery cost, and assist you with financial matters.

“I never had such intimate conversations with people until I came to work here. When women discover they can talk to us about their breasts, they lighten up and loosen up. It’s like talking to a girlfriend. Before they hang up, they often say, “I feel as if I’ve known you forever; I can’t wait to meet you.”

Eileen talks about how to get financing for breast implants and breast lift surgery.



Joyce Eisenberg
Patient Facilitator

Joyce will be in the room with you during your consultation and examination to be sure that you are comfortable. She might call you pre- and post-operatively to confirm your appointments as well.

“I accompany Dr. Eisenberg during patient examinations so I get to see everyone before and after their breast augmentation or breast lift. It’s wonderful to experience how happy and excited people are when they come in for the post-op visits, but to actually see the results firsthand is truly amazing.”



20150617_094653Pat Smith
Accounting Coordinator

Pat is responsible for financial matters, including implant warranties and payments to the hospital and anesthesia department. She also fills in on the phones.

“Before I started to work here, I didn’t know that woman had concerns – that one breast might be smaller than the other, or that one might point down and the other up. I didn’t know why women would get breast implants; I thought it might be a fad. Now I understand.”

Pat talks about why women get breast implants and what she’s learned on the job.