Asymmetry and Tuberous Breasts
Are you concerned that your breasts aren’t the same size and shape? In his experience with more than 7,000 cosmetic breast surgeries, Philadelphia plastic surgeon Dr. Ted Eisenberg has discovered that breasts are sisters, not twins.
Few women have identical breasts; the difference might be slight or more obvious. Chances are one of your feet is slightly larger than the other one, too. That’s because the two sides of the body are not perfectly matched mirror images. They are asymmetrical.
Nipple position, chest diameter, the amount of breast tissue, and the location of the breast on the chest wall all contribute to the appearance of your breasts. When one breast hangs a little lower than the other, it might give the illusion of being bigger. It might also look bigger when there is a longer distance from the nipple to the inframammary fold (the crease beneath the breast). With all these variables, it is no surprise that no one has identical twins. Read recent patient reviews here.
Click the arrows to expand each answer:
Is it normal for my breasts to be different in size? ▼
Can you fix my tuberous breasts? ▼
How will I choose my breast implant size? ▼
Breast augmentation and breast lift surgery: In the safety of a hospital ▼
Breast Asymmetry
Breast asymmetry occurs when one breast does not develop fully compared with the other. When we talk about breast asymmetry, we are talking about a woman whose breasts differ in size by a half-cup or more. Depending on the extent of the asymmetry and what you hope to accomplish, you might be a candidate for a breast augmentation with breast implants of different sizes, a breast lift, a breast reduction, or some combination of these procedures. For more information about what’s involved in surgery and recovery, click on the above links to these three procedures. See the breast asymmetry before and after photo gallery.
Tuberous Breasts
This is a congenital condition in which the breast might have a long and narrow appearance, rather than the more common round shape. The breast may be droopy and the areola may be puffy. There could also be a lack of skin under the nipple and/or the inframammary crease might be higher than usual.
The tuberous breast first becomes visible at puberty when the mammary gland doesn’t fully develop. Breast augmentation surgery will help improve the appearance of the breast itself, but it won’t change the puffiness of the nipple. That can be improved by an areola reduction. According to one study, 50 percent of women who come in for breast augmentation have this concern.
While plastic surgery websites and Internet forums describe a complicated approach to correcting tuberous breasts using silicone implants, Dr. Eisenberg has achieved an equally aesthetic result by using saline breast implants in a simpler, safer, one-stage procedure.
Dr. Eisenberg’s article on One-Stage Correction of Tuberous Breast Deformity Using Saline Implants has been recently published in the American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery. Click here to read more.
The Consultation
We allow about 45 minutes for your cosmetic breast surgery consultation so you have plenty of time to get answers to all of your questions about cosmetic breast surgery.
Dr. Ted Eisenberg will examine you in the presence of one of his office staff, and if you desire, your significant other. He will take your medical history, discuss your specific health considerations, and examine and measure you. Oftentimes, women know that their breasts are different sizes, but they don’t know how much of a difference there is – and this is important in determining the surgical approach. You’ll be able to discuss your expectations and find out what cosmetic breast surgery can accomplish.
You’ll see before and after pictures of actual patients with breast asymmetry or tuberous breasts who are of a similar height, weight and frame as you, as if you were looking at yourself in a mirror. In the Asymmetry Photo Gallery, almost every woman had some degree of tuberous breasts; they all received saline implants. You will be able to see how you would look after surgery and pick the size you like best.
Frequently Asked Questions
I just turned 18? Can I get breast implants?
You are not too young for saline breast implants, according to guidelines from the FDA and the implant manufacturers, but you are not eligible for silicone gel implants until you are 22. Age isn’t the only deciding factor. You also need to be fully grown before you have cosmetic breast surgery, which means there have been no changes in your height, weight or breast size for two years. Although most women finish growing by age 18, others continue to grow into their early 20s.
Does my left breast look a little bigger to you?
Maybe just a tiny bit, but join the crowd. It’s recorded in the medical literature that the left breast is usually slightly larger than the right, and Dr. Eisenberg has found this to be the case for about 9 out of every 10 of my patients. No one knows for sure why the left breast is commonly bigger; some theorize that it is because the heart is on the left side. Others suggest that it is because right-handed women nurse their babies more often from their left breast, so they can keep their dominant hand free. (Ninety percent of the population is right-handed.)
What is Poland’s syndrome?
It is a severe but rare instance of asymmetry in which the chest muscle on one side of the body is underdeveloped. In girls, the breast on that side might never develop. In severe cases, Poland’s syndrome can also affect the growth of the ribs and the arm. Both boys and girls can be born with the condition, but it is seen three times more frequently in boys.
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