Why Have a Breast Augmentation: 13 Women Tell All
Before and after photos show how a breast augmentation, breast lift or breast reduction changes a woman, but it’s her words that fill out the picture. More than 100 of my patients have shared their thoughts about the process from start to finish in reviews on RealSelf.com, a plastic surgery website. Here are a dozen excerpts that give you a peek into why they had surgery and how they feel about it afterward.
read moreBreast Implant Statistics – Dr. Ted Eisenberg
1. In 2015, about 1.4 million women around the world got saline or silicone breast implants. Some 300,000 of them lived in the United States, according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
2. Breast implants are measured in cubic centimeters (ccs) rather than cup size. To figure out how many ounces the implants are, divide the number of cubic centimeters in each of them by 30.
3. On a woman who is completely flat-chested and has a medium-sized frame, a 450 cc implant would be equivalent to the average C-cup bra. 450 ccs equals about 15 ounces, like this water bottle.
read moreCan I Get a Breast Lift With Implants?
In 2010, I was interviewed for an article in New You magazine about the I.D.E.A.L Breast Lift technique that I created. Through the years, I’ve continued to use this approach for breast lift surgery – with and without breast implants – and I’m really proud of it. I wanted to share an excerpt of the article by Rochelle Nataloni in my latest blog.
Perk Up: Pregnancy, weight loss and aging can get the ‘girls’ down, but breast lift surgery can restore their joie de vivre
For 26-year-old Rachael L. (not her real name), breast lift surgery came to the rescue following a weight loss that left her with breasts that didn’t suit her otherwise fit and youthful body. “I had lost some weight that I had put on in college, and I wanted to be perkier again,” explains Rachael, who considered a breast lift (or mastopexy) for a little over a year before deciding to move forward with the procedure.
Rachael opted to have the surgery performed by Dr. Ted Eisenberg, a board certified plastic surgeon whose name is synonymous with cosmetic breast surgery in Philadelphia and the surrounding Delaware Valley.
Dr. Eisenberg’s practice is dedicated entirely to cosmetic breast surgery; he’s performed over 7,000 breast surgeries including lifts, augmentations, and a combination of the two. Because he focuses exclusively on breasts, he’s developed improvements to the conventional breast lift technique.
read moreWhat to Expect After Breast Implant Surgery
When I call my breast augmentation patients the day after surgery or examine them at their first post-op visit, they want to know one thing: Is this normal?
They phrase that question in many different ways:
Is it normal for my implants to be so high?
Will my implants soften up and squish together?
Is it okay that one of my breasts is up higher than the other?
Is it too soon to be judging my final shape and size?
Did you give me the implant size I asked for?
My answer to all of the above: Yes!
read moreSaline vs Silicone Breast Implants
There’s an opinion asserted by breast implant manufacturers and by many plastic surgeons that silicone gel breast implants are better than saline breast implants. In my opinion, “It ain’t necessarily so.” I’ve performed more than 7,000 breast augmentation surgeries, many of them with saline implants. My patients who chose saline have reported a high degree of satisfaction; it’s been rare for a woman to request that I change her saline implants to silicone. Silicone gel implants may be stealing the spotlight, but saline breast implants still have much to offer. Here are seven...
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